In 1981, Pope John Paul II founded the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in the Apostolic Constitution H. Paus Johannes Paulus II - Apostolische Constitutie
Magnum Matrimonii Sacramentum
Oprichting van het Pauselijk Instituut voor studie van huwelijk en gezin (7 oktober 1982), as part of the effort to develop study on the themes around the marriage and family, as well as Catholic theology on the body.
In 2017, Pope Francis issued a motu proprio Paus Franciscus - Motu Proprio
Summa Familiae Cura
De grote zorg om het gezin - opheffing van het Johannes Paulus II Instituut voor Huwelijk en Gezin en oprichting van een theologisch wetenschappelijk instituut voor huwelijk en gezin
(8 september 2017) ("By the greatest concern for the family"), replacing the institute with the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences, with a new constitution and mission. It was also affiliated to the Congregation for Catholic Education, Pontifical Academy for Life, and Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. The institute's chancellor Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia also anticipated inviting additional faculty and experts in light of the Institute's expanded mandate, including non-Catholics.
Laatste wijziging: 19 december 2022