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The missionary dimension of the family is rooted in the sacrament of Baptism and is realized within the Christian community. The Christian family, a domestic Church based on the sacramental marriage of two Christians, by its nature tends to diffuse its faith by sharing it with others. The Christian family, in fact, are called to witness to the Gospel either by its life according to the Gospel itself, or by a missionary proclamation. Spouses mutually reinforce their faith and transmit it to their children, but the children, moreover, together with the other family members, are also called to share their faith. In the family you can experience who the spouses in their mutual love, reinforced bu the spirit of Christ, live their call to holiness. So the family constitutes, as Saint John Paul II said in H. Paus Johannes Paulus II - Postsynodale Apostolische Exhortatie
Familiaris Consortio
Over de taken van het christelijk gezin in de wereld van deze tijd
(22 november 1981)
, the way of the Church. Vgl. H. Paus Johannes Paulus II, Postsynodale Apostolische Exhortatie, Over de taken van het christelijk gezin in de wereld van deze tijd, Familiaris Consortio (22 nov 1981), 13 It is in this framework that the teaching of Blessed Paul VI fits, which highlights the intimate relationship between conjugal love and the generation of life. Vgl. H. Paus Paulus VI, Encycliek, Het menselijk leven en geboorteregelingen, Humanae Vitae (25 juli 1968) This truth seems to be particularly important today, when there are so many technical possibilities for separating procreation from conjugal love. The love lived in marriage and the family is the principle of life in society, as recalled by Benedict XVI in his encylical Paus Benedictus XVI - Encycliek
Caritas in Veritate
Liefde in Waarheid - Over de integrale ontwikkeling van de mens in liefde en waarheid
(29 juni 2009)
Vgl. Paus Benedictus XVI, Encycliek, Liefde in Waarheid - Over de integrale ontwikkeling van de mens in liefde en waarheid, Caritas in Veritate (29 juni 2009), 44. The family, in fact, is the place where a person learns to experience the common good. Vgl. Bisschoppensynodes, De roeping en de missie van het gezin in de Kerk en de moderne wereld, Instrumentum Laboris voor de 14e Gewone Bisschoppensynode (2015) (23 juni 2015), 50 The teaching of the Popes deepens also the spiritual dimension of family life, beginning from the rediscovery of family prayer and listening in common to the Word of God. Equally fundamental is the rediscovery of Sunday as a sign of the profound rootedness of the family in the ecclesial reality. The spirituality of the family must be nourished by strong experiences of faith, in particular by participation in the Eucharist. Vgl. Bisschoppensynodes, De roeping en de missie van het gezin in de Kerk en de moderne wereld, Instrumentum Laboris voor de 14e Gewone Bisschoppensynode (2015) (23 juni 2015), 51 Vgl. 2e Vaticaans Concilie, Constitutie, Over de Kerk, Lumen Gentium (21 nov 1964), 11 Above all in the Sunday Eucharist, the Christian family announces that great and definitive family to which we are all called in eternal life.


1e plenaire vergadering - Nieuwe Synodehal
Soort: Bisschoppensynodes
Auteur: Peter Kardinaal Erdö
Datum: 5 oktober 2015
Copyrights: © 2015, Catholic News Agency
Voorlopig Engelse vertaling; alineaverdeling en -nummering: redactie
Bewerkt: 9 mei 2020

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