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Propositio 37 - Laity

Christ’s lay faithful share in the threefold mission of Christ, priest, prophet and king, because they are members of the People of God. They are therefore called to live their vocation and mission at all levels of society, especially in the socio-political, socio-economic and socio-cultural spheres. In this way, they become the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world", as they serve reconciliation, justice and peace in the these spheres of society.

Consequently, the Church must provide them with an initial and ongoing catechesis for a conversion of heart, supported by an adequate spiritual, biblical, doctrinal and moral formation for a social Christian conscience.

In this regard, perhaps one of the providential tools for the development of this conversion and faith experience are the new ecclesial movements. These movements and communities of faith and communion exist in the Church as "veritable laboratories of faith", places of formation and empowerment through the Spirit for a life of witness and mission. Thus equipped as disciples of the Lord, they act in the world as leaven.

For those who are engaged in directing political, economic and cultural affairs, the Church is to take special care to plan a formation programme based on the Word of God and the social doctrine of the Church Vgl. Pauselijke Raad "Justitia et Pax", Compendium van de Sociale Leer van de Kerk (26 okt 2004), 12. This program is to include formation in leadership which transforms life through action (leadership training for transformative action).

At the same time, the Church is to encourage the formation of lay associations and fellowships in the different professional fields (medical, juridical, parliamentary, academic, etc.) to assist them in their apostolic activity in society and the Church. She is to further strengthen existing Councils of the Laity and support them at all levels by providing chaplains for them.

Small Christian Communities are to offer assistance in the formation of the People of God and serve as a place for concretely living out reconciliation, justice and peace.


Soort: Bisschoppensynodes
Auteur: Synodevaders
Datum: 23 oktober 2009
Copyrights: © 2009, Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Engelstalige versie
Bewerkt: 7 november 2019


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