Synodevaders - 23 oktober 2009
The evangelizing mission of the Church-Family of God in Africa draws on several resource materials, prominent and foremost among which is the Scripture, the Word of God. But, as observed at the Synod ("Relatio ante disceptationem", p. 6), the conduct and character of the Church’s ministry are enhanced by several "support events and material", "subsidia fidei", such as "Pauselijke Raad "Justitia et Pax"
Compendium van de Sociale Leer van de Kerk
(26 oktober 2004)", a very comprehensive guide on the Church’s mission and self-expression in the world and its social order as "teacher" and "leaven".
Accordingly the Synod Fathers, recognizing the usefulness of "Pauselijke Raad "Justitia et Pax"
Compendium van de Sociale Leer van de Kerk
(26 oktober 2004)" in the task of evangelization on the continent and its Islands, propose that every National and Regional Episcopal Conference:
- revise all catechetical materials at every level (children, youth, young couples, families) to include elements of the Church’s Social Doctrine and translate "Pauselijke Raad "Justitia et Pax"
Compendium van de Sociale Leer van de Kerk
(26 oktober 2004)" into local languages;
- require that the Church’s Social Doctrine be made mandatory in all seminary training and ongoing formation programmes for priests and men and women religious and in the formation and activities of the laity in service to the Church and society;
- gather in collections, where they do not yet exist, the messages and pastoral letters from their own social teaching;
- establish a team of researchers to draw a syllabus for teaching and communicating social and Christian values and the syllabus, thus devised, be taught from the primary to the university level); and
- make the Gospel and African values of solidarity, generosity and common good, both known and loved.