(Soort document: Bisschoppensynodes)
Synodevaders -
27 oktober 2012
The vocation and the mission proper to lay faithful is the transformation of worldly structures, to let all human behavior and activities be informed by the Gospel. This is the reason why it is so important to guide the Christian laity into an intimate knowledge of Christ in order to form their moral conscience through their life in Christ. The Second Vatican Council identifies four main aspects of the mission of the baptized: the witness of their lives, works of charity and mercy, renewing the temporal order and direct evangelization
Vgl. 2e Vaticaans Concilie, Constitutie, Over de Kerk, Lumen Gentium (21 nov 1964) Vgl. 2e Vaticaans Concilie, Decreet, Over het lekenapostolaat, Apostolicam Actuositatem (18 nov 1965). In this way, they will be able to give witness of a life truly coherent with their Christian faith, as individual persons and as a community.
The laity cooperate in the Church’s work of evangelization, as witnesses and at the same time as living instruments they share in her saving mission Vgl. 2e Vaticaans Concilie, Decreet, Over de missie-activiteit van de Kerk, Ad Gentes Divinitus (7 dec 1965), 41. Therefore the Church values the gifts that the Spirit is making to every baptized for the construction of the body, and should provide adequate encouragement and training to foster their apostolic zeal in the transmission of the faith.